Friday, August 7, 2009


We met with our Dr this morning. She said things look great, but I'm still not having any signs of labor. In fact, she thinks that the little one will be in there for another 3 weeks, putting me a week over my due date. She said the baby's size is in the 25 percentile, which means it's pretty small, good for late delivery because chances we are, we won't be having a 10 lb baby (at least keep your fingers crossed that we don't - ouch!). The Dr said to try to be as active as possible right now, which might induce labor. So, Dr. M and I went to the St. Louis Zoo this afternoon and walked the entire thing and even ate kettle corn (hey, at least we skipped the funnel cake, which for the record, smelled amazing).

We're officially registered for a birthing class at our hospital. It's from 9 am to 4 pm this Saturday and next, which we're not super excited about, but this late in the game, we don't really have a choice. Dr. M feels strongly about knowing his role and what to expect during the delivery (guess he hasn't been reading all the baby books that I have). I'll keep you updated on the exciting stuff we learn.

A friend came over this week and took inventory of the baby's room and the supplies we have to let me know what we're missing. With the exception of a few additional things (nothing major) she said we're all set which makes me feel relieved.

My belly is still getting bigger and is super tight right now. It feels like the poor little thing is crammed in there. I see and feel little elbows and feet constantly poking me in the ribs. It feels like time is going both fast and this point it's a waiting game....

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