Friday, November 16, 2012

17 months!

This little girl is growing up TOO fast!  She's almost a year and a half old and is no longer a baby, but truly a toddler, talking, walking, opinionated, sassy, snugly and  fearless.  She's one little fireball, that's for sure.  If she wants something, she'll let you know!  She demands nursing sessions by pointing at the chair in the living room and saying "nzzz" (nurse) to me and insists on accessorizing with shoes, purses and hair clips at her own free will.  She's also figured out how to climb up onto the coffee table and the bench in the kitchen (stinker!), like her brother.  She loves to dance (esp to the Umizoomi intro song) and loves to imitate anything her brother is doing.  She loves him and thinks he's the greatest thing in her world right now.  E was a blankie fan (still is), but this little girl sure loves her stuffed animals.  She points to them when I get her out of her crib and insists on carrying it around.  She snuggles them and kisses them "mhwaa" and even gives them to the dogs to cuddle.  She can point to her body parts, like nose, ears, hair, mouth, arm, etc and loves to point to mine too.  She isn't talking a whole lot, but tries so hard and is very good at following directions and clearly understands us.  After switching her reflux meds two months ago, she's like a different baby - eating SO much (yogurt, cheese, anything!) and happy as can be!  Such a big difference - AND she's been gaining weight!!  She's still tall and skinny (about 19 lbs and 30.5 inches  at her 16.5 month weight check), but climbing the growth chart.  She's the cutest thing I've ever seen.  Seriously.  That face and those sweet, blue eyes and curly hair.  She's melts my heart.  I love this little lady.  I love being her mom and snuggling her every single day!

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