Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow and Ice

You may be eagerly awaiting the baby news from the big ultrasound last week. Well, the truth is we didn't make it to the appointment. A huge ice and snow storm was predicted to hit the area on Tuesday. The whole city shut down in anticipation. The weather casters were predicting "the storm of the century" and advising everyone to stay indoors. In fact, we were under a blizzard warning. So, we took their advice and waited out the weather. Though we didn't get the colossal amounts of snow or ice that was predicted, we did get enough to make the road conditions poor. E and I were housebound for 3 days, but found all sorts of things to play with, clean and cookies to bake. Our appointment was scheduled for Wednesday morning (the day after the storm), so we called to reschedule to this Friday, February 11. I'm 22 weeks now and anxious to find out what we're having this Friday. We waited 9 months to find out what E was, so another week is nothing for us.

Here are some pics from the storm and our three days housebound:

Ice at our house

23 inches of snow at Grandpas house, just two hours away!

E and Stewdog snuggling (these two are BFF's)

Indoor fun in the baby pool turned ball pit!

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