Friday, September 9, 2011

3 Months!

Our little girl will be three months in just 4 days.  Our pediatrician doesn't typically schedule three month well-check visits, but she wanted to do a follow-up on Miss H to check her weight and ear.  About two weeks ago I noticed yellow drainage and a foul smell coming from H's ear (poor little thing), so we saw the doc who confirmed (what I had already diagnosed on Google) that she had an ear infection, so we were sent home with some ear drops.  At her two-month well-check, the doc expressed concern about H's slow weight gain.  Though she was hovering around the 25th percentile, she had dropped from the 50th in just a few weeks.  This was a hard thing for a nursing mother to hear about her baby girl, but in the back of my head I knew she was going to be fine.  My mother always told me that I was a long and skinny baby and it turns out that's exactly how Miss H is growing.  Her weight at this appointment was acceptable (she gained 11 oz and grew half an inch in three weeks) so her pediatrician didn't seem concerned anymore.  Overall, the percentile doesn't matter, it's the growth that matters to me.  Harper looks bigger, more alert and cuter every day!  She smiles all the time, swings at her toys and has been discovering (staring) at her hands.  She's been eating well and is sleeping in her own bed, waking just once at night to eat.  Her eyes are still beautiful blue and her hair is starting to grow (kinda).  She's a content baby.  Happiest when in my ring-sling or my arms, a mama's girl. We've also been using cloth diapers full-time, which I'm also really excited about! I love watching her grow and develop.  Can't believe it's been three months already!

3 Month Stats:
Weight - 10 lbs 11 oz (25%)
Length - 23 1/4 in (50%)

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