Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cardio Update

Harper saw the pediatric cardiologist (at UAB Children's Hospital) again last week for a routine follow-up. Overall, the appointment went well.  He said that her stenosis is stable, meaning that there's little to no change from our last visit.  That's good in the grand scheme of things because at this point he doesn't think she'll need surgical intervention.  We will, however, continue seeing him for routine check-ups (ekg and echo) every 2-3 months for the first year of her life.  After that point, it will depend on what the prognosis is for how often we go back in the future.  Generally, he thinks it will be just once a year until she gets older.  Overall, he thinks that this is relatively mild and that many kids with this level of PVS have very normal, active lives.  Woo hoo!

Getting the ekg.  She was such a trooper!  Poor little thing.

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