Thursday, February 16, 2012


The post-holiday season is always rough.  An emotional roller-coaster, missing family, sugar withdrawal and boredom, with a sense of motivation for the new year.  The second week of January Dr. M was gone for a conference so the babies and I spent 6 long days and nights together.  We made it through the week, but by the time he got home my rope was starting to fray.  It was like the culmination of what we've been through the past 6 months and the reality of our situation all hit me at once and manifested itself in anxiety (for days!).  I'm not sure what triggered it, him being gone, the nearby threat of deadly tornados or simply missing family over the holidays.  Whatever it was, it hit hard.  I was in a really low place.  Recognizing my desperation, my mom drove out to spend a few days with us.  I SO needed her visit.  She helped me work through my head, talk things out and motivated me to reach out to new friends and ask for help.  I'm doing better now, emotionally, but still not feeling completely positive about our move down here and raising a family in a city I'm not crazy about.  I can't put my finger on it exactly, but for some reason I'm just not sold on Tuscaloosa.  Despite my recent attempts to make new friends, join new social groups and explore the city, I'm still not impressed.  I've convinced myself to give it a good, wholehearted effort and really try to make the best of our situation (finding the motivation some days is the hard part).  So far, so good, but we'll see.  Here's what we've been up to lately.....

Still LOVING the iPad!

Grandma W's visit

Spending time with Dad - pushing them around the kitchen like this!  They loved it, of course! (please excuse our hideous kitchen flooring).

Spending time a the park, enjoying the unseasonably warm and beautiful weather!

Even the plants can't believe it's January!

The UA Arboretum has become a very special place for us.  It's a beautiful park that's minutes from our house, nestled just off the beaten path of the city.  It's a place where our whole family (dogs too) can spend time together and enjoy the beautiful southern weather.  Our almost weekly trip has become something we all look forward to.  This is a place that's truly unique here in T-town.  I'm looking forward to it's smells and colors this spring when it's in full bloom!


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